Can Your Pharmacist Help? 

red crossThe Practice operates a Minor Ailments Scheme please see the Pharmacist for details. 

Your Pharmacist is your most accessible high street health professional.  He or she will have had to obtain a Degree in Pharmacy (3 to 4 years at University) and passed entrance qualification examinations to be able to practice. 

As well as being on hand to answer any questions you may have about your prescription medications, your Pharmacist can provide treatment and advice on many minor ailments that may not require you to visit your G.P.  Many powerful medications are now available without a prescription.  Your Pharmacist can help select the medication best suited for you, based on your ailment and other medications, which you may already be taking. 

All this without even making an appointment! 

If the Pharmacist thinks your complaint needs prescription treatment or is of a more serious nature, then they will refer you to your G.P.

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