Practice Management

Our Managers are responsible for the administration, finances and overall management of the practice.

Martin Duffy

Business Manager

Martin is responsible for all aspects of the Practice's business, financial and contractual obligations. Alongside Kirsty he is also responsible for the smooth running and consistent service that we provide to our patients.

Kirsty Harkness

Office Manager

Kirsty is responsible for the administration and the day to day running of the Practice. She coordinates all staff within the surgery and maintains all administration that takes place to provide a smooth running service.


Our Reception / Administration Team are here to assist you with all appointment bookings, prescription requests, patient results and general enquiries. They will liaise with our clinical staff, pharmacies and outside agencies to provide you with the best care and service possible.


Medical Secretary

Emma is our clinical audio typist here at the Practice and supports the Doctors with any correspondence and referrals that need to be completed. Emma is supported by our Office Manager, Kirsty to maintain a streamlined and timeous service.


Coder & Summariser

Debra & Lorraine are our Practice clinical coders and summarisers. Their responsibility is to make sure that all diagnoses, examinations and previous information is coded correctly in your notes. By doing this they are able to give our clinical staff a clear picture of your health and how best to assist you.


Coder & Summariser


Medical Receptionist


Medical Receptionist


Medical Receptionist


Medical Receptionist


Medical Receptionist

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