Are YOU interested in finding out more about the Practice?
Would YOU like to help make this surgery the best it can be?
If so we want to hear from YOU!
The Patient Participation Group (PPG) is group of patients who meet regularly with staff from the practice to provide views from a patient's perspective. We value our patients opinions and take on board any suggestions we are given to improve the care of our patients.
No training is required to become a member of our PPG. The most important thing is that you are keen and focused on taking positive action to help make the Practice the best it can be.
Be prepared to give your opinion about the way the practice is run and any thoughts you have on how things could be improved.
Who we are and what we do...
Members of the PPG are volunteers who work with the practice to represent patients, offering views on the services and facilities that are provided. Your opinions matter to us!
We aim to meet quarterly and details of meetings and agendas are forwarded to members in advance. If you are not able to join us at the meeting, you can always join our ‘’virtual group’’ and assist the group via e-mail.
The PPG may be based at the surgery but it works independently on behalf of all patients. Your work with the PPG will not be mentioned in your own medical records, neither will it influence the care you receive. PPG records − for example, minutes and lists of members – are completely separate from your personal medical records.
What else can a PPG DO?
¨ Help us to communicate to patients recent changes to the NHS and how this will affect services provided.
¨ Let the practice staff know more about the level and standard of services they provide from a patient point of view.
¨ Help the Practice decide on overall service priorities.
¨ Help improve the overall experience of patients attending the surgery.
What the PPG is NOT about…
During our group meetings we will not address personal, medical issues or complaints as there is already a well established procedures for dealing with these.
How will I get feedback from the PPG?
¨ We will publish outcomes of meetings in the Practice waiting room and on the Practice website.
¨ You will be sent minutes of the PPG meetings via e-mail or post, whichever you prefer.
¨ We will inform you of any changes made.
Future Plans…
We hope to broaden out PPG over the next coming months and recruit patients to the group. It is expected that the PPG will become more visible and assist the practice with new initiatives and ideas.
Please feel free to share any comments or suggestions you may have. We shall endeavour to answer or put into practice your suggestion's. If this is not possible, we will respond and provide you with a reason.
Data Protection
The information you provide overleaf will be used by Second Street Surgery to contact you about our health care services, activities and events. Your details will only be used for this purpose and will not be shared with anyone else. The information you supply will be held securely and in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. You can opt out of the PPG at any time by informing Hannah, our Team Lead and your details will be removed from the PPG.