In Scotland, the most common disease ticks transmit is Lyme disease (also known as Lyme borreliosis). They also carry other diseases which mainly affect animals. To avoid ticks when
out and about in the countryside or anywhere near wildlife:

  • Cover up as much skin as you can as ticks will find it more difficult to bite you.
  • Wear long trousers tucked in to socks and long sleeves.
  • Light-coloured clothing may help you to see ticks more easily.
  • Using an insect repellent containing the ingredient DEET to deter ticks also helps.
  • Check clothing for ticks regularly and brush off any you do find.
  • As well as examining yourself for ticks, remember to check everyone else you are with especially any younger members of your group and particularly around hairlines.

Ticks can bite anywhere on the body, often in hidden places such as skin folds in adults and the head, neck and behind the ears in children. It is quite possible for an adult or child to
have several ticks at once in different parts of the body.

If a tick has attached itself to you, then you need to remove it as soon as possible.

For advice on removal of ticks see the Tick and tick borne disease fact sheet available at:


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