We can now send you a reminder by text, one working day before your appointment to the mobile 'phone number you have given us.

mobile phoneIf you want to register for this FREE serivce, please click here  

consent form or fill a form out at reception.



Q   Can I receive text reminders about  appointments for children in my family?

A if you want to receive reminders for children aged under 13, we can include them, however, once a child reaches 13, we are unable to do this.

Q We share a mobile ‘phone—can I receive text reminders for my partner’s appointments?

A No, we can only allocate one mobile number per patient.  If the same number is registered to 2 adults, the text reminder service is blocked.

Q Which appointments will I be reminded about by text?

A Text reminders will be sent for face to face appointments with a Doctor, Nurse, Healthcare Assistant, Midwife - it does not include telephone appointments .

Q Can I reply to the text?

A No, this service does not allow for you to reply.

Q What happens if I no longer want to receive text reminders?

A You will need to complete a new consent form and we will remove your from the SMS text service.

Q What if I change my number?

A Once we know the new number, we will continue the reminder service to your mobile.

Q I am registered for reminders, but I don’t get texts?

A check with Reception that we have the correct mobile number for you, and that it isn’t shared with anyone aged 13 or over.

Please remember that responsibility of attending appointments or cancelling them still rests with you!  Do not rely on the text messaging service in case we have been unable to send out the text reminders, for example, if the power has failed, or the computers are down for essential maintenance.

If your mobile number changes or if the ‘phone is no longer in yourpossession, for example, if you lose it, sell it or pass it on to someone else, you need to advise us.







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