
Shingles Vaccine:

About 1 in 5 people who have had chickenpox develop shingles. This means that every year in England and Wales, tens of thousands of people will get shingles. It is more common in people aged over 70 years, and of these, about 14,000 go on to develop PHN and over 1,400 are admitted to hospital because of it. You become eligible for the shingles vaccine as you turn 70 and remain eligible up to the age of 79.

Pneumococcal Vaccine: 

The pneumococcal vaccine protects against serious and potentially fatal pneumococcal infections. It's also known as the pneumonia vaccine. Babies are offered 2 doses of pneumococcal vaccine, at 12 weeks and at 1 year of age. People aged 65 and over only need a single pneumococcal vaccination. This vaccine is not given annually like the flu jab. If you have a long-term health condition you may only need a single, one-off pneumococcal vaccination, or a vaccination every 5 years, depending on your underlying health problem. If you are unsure you are eligible, please telephone the surgery and we would be happy to assist you.

Seasonal flu Vaccine (Sept-Mar):

The flu vaccination is safe and effective and is offered to a variety of people with a variety of long term illnesses. It's offered every year through the NHS to help protect people at risk of getting seriously ill from influenza. There is both a nasal spray for children and an injection offered to those older or who have medical reasons that they can not have the nasal spray. Please check the NHS website for a full list of eligibility. Please be aware children of school age will be invited through their local school nurse. Any catch up programmes are also offered through them and your local immunisation team.

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