Have you ever been asked by an elderly relative or neighbour if you could give them a lift to their Doctor’s surgery?

Have you ever thought how you would get there yourself if you couldn’t drive or have access to transport?

Have you taken an expensive taxi or stood in the rain waiting for a bus?

Did you know that Inverness Voluntary Transport Scheme could have taken you?

The Inverness Voluntary Transport Scheme was initiated In March 2001. The Scheme provides non-emergency transport to anyone registered with a GP in Inverness who is unable to access  Community Health care facilities.

Over the years the project has continued to expand, and has 900 patients now registered with the transport scheme. In addition to the 11 GP practices in and around Inverness, transport is also offered to patients who need to attend Primary Care appointments such as physiotherapy, podiatry, dentistry, occupational therapy and  support groups.

A small charge is levied for this service, (£3 for a single journey and £5 for a return journey) which is delivered by a team of Volunteer drivers and supported by NHS Highland and the Highland Cross. A vehicle is provided, but some volunteers use their own vehicle.

How can I access the Scheme?

You can register with us by calling our office directly on 01463 226662. Once registered all you need to do is give us a call and make an appointment. If we cannot provide transport at that time, we can liase with your clinic and try to re-schedule your appointment to a mutually convenient time.

 We always need volunteers so please contact us if you have time to spare.

Volunteering can have many advantages, including helping to develop confidence and self-esteem, providing a route into employment, and giving something back to your community.


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