
Coronavirus Vaccination Information;


The NHS in Ashford and Public Health England (PHE) are extremely well prepared for outbreaks of new infectious diseases. The NHS has put in place measures to ensure the safety of all patients and NHS staff while also ensuring services are available to the public as normal.

The risk to the general public is high. If you have a temperature and/or a new dry cough and/or have been in direct contact with a confirmed case of coronavirus:


Only call 111 if you cannot manage your symptoms at home

Click the below link for the most up to date isolation rules

Practice Survey Reporting


KMP re-location. Some exciting news!

Many thanks to those of you who responded to our SMS consultation regarding our ambition to re-locate within the village to allow us to cope with local population growth and continue to offer outstanding services to our patients.

We received over 2000 responses and an overwhelming 94% of you were supportive of our plans for relocation.

Since then the practice has carried out a formal options appraisal of potential sites involving contributions of a wide variety of local stakeholders (including Staff and Patient representatives) and the results can accessed here; Kingsnorth Medical Practice Supporting Statement (Planning)

The preferred option (if planning permission is granted), would mean that:

  • The Practice could remain in the Kingsnorth area.
  • It's larger size would protect existing services and prompt access, and offer an expansion of a range of services that are not possible on our current site.
  • Permit the expansion of the Practice list in order to benefit more patients.
  • Provide a fit-for-purpose building for many years to come.
  • Ensure the constant flood issues are a thing of the past.

Please feel free to view the location/plans and write in support of our proposal via the Ashford Planning Portal;

Please access the portal and search our application number: 21/00126/AS

This is a “once in a generation” opportunity to protect and enhance your local NHS who have been working so hard to protect you all during these difficult times.

Keep safe!

Dr Jim Kelly.

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