New Patient Registration
Patients can register as a patient with the practice by either completing their medical card and handing it in at reception or by requesting a registration application form.
All new patients will be required to fill in a new patient questionnaire, giving details of medical history and lifestyle. You will be offered an appointment with the Practice Nurse for a new patient health check to complete your registration.
Practice Boundary
Dodworth, Pogmoor, Smithies, Carlton, Kendray, Gawber, Wilthorpe, Ward Green, Worsbrough Common, Worsbrough Bridge, Worsbrough Dale, Barugh Green, Monk Bretton, Barnsley Central, Ardsley, Athersley, New Lodge.
Named Accountable GP
All patients including children registered at Park Grove Surgery now have an allocated, named accountable GP. This information is recorded on every patient record.
You can still see any GP or Advanced Practitioner at the practice.
If you wish to know who your accountable GP is, then please contact the surgery on 01226 704343. If you have a preference to a particular GP, the practice will make reasonable effort to accommodate this.