Pennan Practice, 20 Pennan Place, Glasgow, G14 0EATel: 0141 959 1704
Further information relating to appointments is within 'Latest News' tab
Coronavirus ( COVID-19)
If you are unwell and have recently travelled to any of the affected areas, or have been in contact with someone who has, please DO NOT come to the practice. Please self -isolate. Up-to-date information is available on NHS inform. If you are feeling unwell with a cough, difficulty breathing or fever....stay at home and contact NHS 111.
Wash your hands more often than usual , for 20 seconds with soap and hot water, particularly after coughing or sneeding and blowing your nose.
To reduce the spread of germs when you cough or sneeze, cover your mouth and nose with a tissue. Throw the tissue away immediately and then wash your hands or your a hand sanitising gel.
Symptoms and self help
Greater Glasgow Ear Care video