BOWEL Cancer Screening

The video explains key elements of the screening programme, including:   

· Who is invited for bowel screening  

· The importance of screening in the early detection of bowel cancer 

· How the screen is undertaken and how often 

· Details of the FIT kit, the at-home stool test patients complete and return 

· How primary care staff can encourage their patients to participate in screening 

· Where to access further information and resources about bowel screening 

· The aim is to provide non-clinical primary care staff, including social prescriber/link workers, with helpful prompts and guidance they can use when speaking to patients about bowel screening. 

The video is available here:

New Patient Information Leaflets for Suspected Cancer Patient Referrals  

Urgent Suspected Cancer Patient information leaflets for GPs in Primary Care

Urgent Suspected Cancer Patient Information Leaflets for Dentists and Optometrists in Primary Care

Urgent referrals: tumour-specific suspected breast and colorectal

Faecal Immunochemical Test (FIT) for symptomatic patients

The FIT patient information leaflet has been developed by the Transforming Cancer Services Team in collaboration with patient representatives.  The leaflet should be given to symptomatic patients who have been asked to complete a FIT because of a suspicion of cancer, and is available in 11 of the most common spoken languages in London:

For full information, please check the Healthy London website


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