All children are entitled to vaccines free of charge against certain  preventable diseases. Children are eligible with a valid PPS number. Vaccination is not compulsory but is strongly advised by the Department of health. Please discuss any concerns you might have with one of the doctors before making a decision about your child's immunisation.

Our nurse runs our baby vaccine programme. Your baby should be 2,4,6,12 and 13 months before the respective vaccines can be given. Vaccines cannot be given ahead of schedule.

If your baby is unwell at the time they are due their next vaccine please consult your doctor before making the vaccination appointment.

Childhood Immunisation Schedule

  • At Birth -BCG to protect against TB- Public Health Nurse
  • 2 Months -6 in 1 ( diphteria, tetanus, whooping cough, polio, Hib, Hepatitis B) and pneumococcal
  • 4 Months -6 in 1 (diphteria, tetanus, whooping cough, polio, Hib, Hepatitis B and Meningococcal C
  • 6 Months -6 in 1 (diphteria, tetanus, whooping cough, polio, Hib, Hepatitis B) Meningococcal C and Pneumococcal
  • 12 Months - MMR ( Measles, mumps and rubella) and Pneumococcal
  • 13 Months - Meningococcal C and Hib
  • 4-5 Years - 4 in 1 (diphteria, tetanus, whooping cough and polio) MMR at school
  • 11-14 Years - Girls in 1st Year of Secondary School - Td( tetanus and diphteria) HPV9Human Papillomavirus vaccine) (3 doses) At school


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