Midlothian Access Point
The Midlothian Access Point is open to people aged 18 to 65 who are registered with a GP in Midlothian and who are looking to improve their mental health and wellbeing.
It is run by Health in Mind and they can:
- Ask about how you are feeling and how it is affecting your life
- Offer information about local groups, services and activities that can help
- Refer you onto support that will work best for you
- Assist you to access this support, if needed
The service is currently being offered by phone/video call on various days and times, including evenings.
To arrange an appointment, please email your name and contact number to map@nhslothian.scot.nhs.uk. A member of the team will call you within two working days. If you don't have access to email call the surgery and we can email on your behalf.