New Patient Registration

Patients wishing to register may apply at Reception. The Practice does not discriminate against any patient that wishes to register (i.e. age, race, gender, social class, religion etc.) We may refuse a patient registration only if they are not living within our Practice boundary/catchment area or are abusive to staff.

When applying at Reception to register, the registration procedure will be explained to the patient and a leaflet given explaining what to do.

A registration pack will be given for the patient to complete while on site. If you have had a doctor before, you will be asked to present details of your NHS number.

A health check appointment will be made with the Practice Nurse or Healthcare Assistant. Failure to attend the health check without appropriate cancellation notice or re-scheduling the appointment date/time, will lead to the termination of the registration request.

The Practice Receptionists will sometimes contact patients who have not been seen for a while. This is to check that the patients' details are still valid. Patients who receive a letter requesting update, should either confirm their details in writing or telephone the Practice within seven days.

Online Registration

Guide to GP Services

The Royal College of General Practitioners has produced a useful guide for patients about the services on offer at GP Surgeries and how to access them.  You can download the guide below.

pdf A Patient Guide to GP Services

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