

You have right to choose the doctor you want to see. The receptionist will assist with your preference.

Please try and keep your appointment. If you are unable to attend contact the surgery to cancel the appointment. If you are more than 10 minutes late for your appointment without a good reason, you may be asked to rebook.

You can request double appointments if you feel that 10minutes appointment slot is not enough.


Please allow at least 24 hour notice before cancelling appointment.

Emergency Appointments

Please phone at 09:00 or 15:30 to be seen on the day.

Extended Surgery Hours

We provide extended hours on Thursdays between 18:30 – 20:30. 


A chaperone is available on request.

Repeat Sick Certificate

Repeat sick certificates are NOT acceptable on the telephone. Please write to the surgery or see the receptionist to make an appointment to see the doctor.

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