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Top Tips to Beat Sneaky Sunshine!

June 8, 2015 · by nhssdccg · Bookmark the permalink. ·

How fabulous – the sun has been shining and British summer time seems to be smiling on us at the moment! Hopefully you were able to spend some time outdoors this weekend relaxing with family and friends.

But as some of you may have been reminded, the sun can be a bit sneaky!

If you’ve been caught out and now have sunburn it’s worth remembering the Australian advice “slip-slop-slap

    • Slip on sun protective clothing that covers as much of your body as possible.

    • Slop on SPF 30 or higher, broad-spectrum, water-resistant sun cream at least 20 minutes before sun exposure and reapply every two hours when outdoors or more often if you are swimming or sweaty.

    • Slap on a hat that provides cover for your face, neck and ears.

You should also slide on sunglasses to protect your eyes and shade from the sun wherever possible.

Doing these things helps prevent skin cancer. Almost all skin cancers are caused by over-exposure to ultraviolet radiation from the sun and/or sunbeds. Everyone is equally vulnerable to the harmful effects of the sun’s rays, which cause burning, wrinkling and premature ageing.

So enjoy the sun – but please be safe when you do. Keep an eye on your moles and if you notice any change in the size, shape or colour get them checked by your GP. If you were unlucky enough to get caught out and burned there’s good advice here:

Take care!

10 tips for staying cool

  1. Don’t spend long periods sitting or working outside during the hottest time of the day: late morning to mid-afternoon
  2. If you’re travelling by car or public transport always take a bottle of water
  3. Avoid strenuous activity, and limit activities like housework and gardening to the early morning or evening when it’s cooler
  4. When inside, try to stay in the coolest parts of your home. Keep curtains and blinds closed in rooms that catch the sun
  5. Keep windows shut while it’s cooler inside than out and open them when it gets hotter inside. If it’s safe, you could leave a window open at night when it’s cooler
  6. Wear loose, lightweight, light-coloured, cotton clothing.
  7. Take cool baths or showers
  8. Splash your face with cool (not cold) water, or place a damp cloth on the back of your neck to help you cool off
  9. Drink lots of fluid – even if you aren’t thirsty
  10. Eat normally – even if you aren’t hungry, you need a normal diet to replace salt losses from sweating. In addition, try to have more cold foods, particularly salads and fruit, as these contain a lot of water

 What else can you do?

  • If you live alone, consider asking a relative or friend to visit or phone to check that you’re not having difficulties
  • If you know a neighbour who lives alone, check regularly that they are OK
  • If a heatwave is on its way or the weather is hot for several days, listen to local radio so you know the latest advice for your area. Check weather reports and temperature warnings on TV and radio, and through The MET Office
  • If you have breathing problems or a heart condition, your symptoms might get worse when it’s very hot. Contact your GP for advice


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