General Data Protection Regulations

We have updated our data privacy policies and terms and conditions to ensure that the practice complies with the legal obligations of the Data Protection Act 2018 and the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) - GDPR regulations will remain in force even when the UK leaves the EU.

Please click on the link below to read our updated Data Protection Policy :

Data Protection Policy 2018.pdf

We have a range of privacy notices setting out how we manage the data regarding certain aspects of your care. The main privacy notice is available by clicking on the tab below, but we also have further privacy notices (emergency care, national screening programs, CQC, commissioning and planning, research, safeguarding, payments, nhs digital, the summary care record and public health) copies of any or all of which are available upon request.

Privacy Notice

We have produced a patient information leaflet to give you a basic summary of the changes, our policies and your rights :

Patient Information Leaflet - GDPR.pdf

You can always provide authority for a third party to access your data on your behalf, perhaps a family, friend or advocate who acts on your behalf. To do this you will need to authorise their access by completing the form below - we may ask for proof of identification of both yourself and that third party as part of those arrangements.

Please download and complete this form to request copy medical records and give to a receptionist.

Application Form to Access Your Medical Records

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