
If you need healthcare when we are closed see link below     

'Get To Know Where To Go'

Click link below to help you access the most appropriate service for you:

Get to Know Where to Go

Before you go to A&E ask yourself is it an Accident or an Emergency

Please contact the surgery, ring 111 or complete an OnLine Consultation Form below

Online Consult 24 hours 7 days a week click the link below

online consutations

When the surgery is closed please ring 111 or 999 in a life threatening emergency

Ugent Eye Service

Please click the image above for more information regarding urgent eye care




Are you aged 60 years or above?

Are you feeling isolated?

'OR' would you like Volunteer?

Please visit:  GADDUM Befriending Service

Listen to Neighbourhoods

NHS Manchester Clinical Commissioning Groups are committed to involving the public in shaping the future of our health and social care services.  As part of ‘A healthier Manchester’ and our Locality Plan we want to encourage and support the public to lead a healthier life.  We would like to gather feedback about how they feel we can support them to lead a healthier life, please spend a few moments completing the survey below 

Mental Health

 Got A Problem - Need Advice (Younger Peolple)

Kooth.Com is a Free, Anonymous, Confidential website where young people can go for help

  Kooth Ltd Logo


Adult Services

Step 2

Step 2 is delivered by Self Help Services and deals with people with low to moderate depression and anxiety.

The interventions include

  • Group Sessions with psychological wellbeing practitioners
  • One to One Counselling Sessions
  • Telephone Sessions
  • E Therapy

Ring  0161 226 3871

Self-help leaflets

Click on the following link for useful self-help leaflets on the following topics:

'Abuse', 'Alcohol and You', 'Anxiety', 'Bereavement', 'Controlling Anger', 'Depression', 'Depression and Low Mood', 'Domestic Violence', 'Eating Disorders', 'Health Anxiety', 'Hearing Voices',

'Obsessions and Compulsions', 'Panic', 'Post-traumatic Stress', 

'Post-natal Depression', 'Self-Harm', 'Shyness and Social Anxiety',

'Sleeping Problems', 'Stress' and more.

Source - Northumberland, Tyne and Wear



Useful contacts for mental health support in Manchester:

42nd Street - For young people aged 13-25. 42nd Street offers individual support, counselling, group work and volunteering opportunities (can self-refer).


ACMHS - African Caribbean Mental Health Services. Promotes mental health issues and support individuals experiencing mental illness to reintegrate back into the community with a view to leading an independent life.


Age Concern Counselling - Available to help older people and carers of older people to explore and understand problems such as anxiety/stress, depression, bereavement, loneliness, self-esteem, trauma/abuse and ill health.


LGF Wellbeing Clinic - A partnership between The Lesbian & Gay Foundation, Manchester Mental Health & Social Care Trust and Manchester City Council, this services provides help to people experiencing common mental health problems such as mild to moderate depression, anxiety, low mood and stress.


Manchester MIND - Offers a range of services for people aged 16 and over who live in Manchester and have mental health needs.


Mental Health in Manchester - This website includes information about mental health in Manchester, including how to stay well and where to go for help. Booklets and audio information are free to download.


Pakistani Resource Centre - Provides counselling, emotional and practical support to individuals experiencing mental ill health and their carers and family.


Samaritans - 24 hours a day help providing emotional support for people who are experiencing feelings of emotional distress or despair, including those which may lead to suicide.


Saneline - Offers specialist emotional support and information to anyone affected by mental illness, including family, friends and carers.


Self Help Services - Delivers a range of primary mental health care services and initiatives across the North West for people experiencing common mental health difficulties such as anxiety, depression and low mood.



We often use the expression ‘I feel depressed’ when we’re feeling sad or miserable about life. Usually, these feelings pass in due course. But, if the feelings are interfering with your life and don't go away after a couple of weeks, or if they come back, over and over again, for a few days at a time, it could be a sign that you're depressed in the medical sense of the term (source).

Read more about depression here.

This easy to use patient depression questionnaire has been validated for use in Primary Care. It is used by your doctor to monitor the severity of depression and response to treatment. It can also be used to make a tentative diagnosis of depression.

PHQ-9 Depression Assessment Questionnaire




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