
Safe-Surgeries-New-Patient-Registration-Policy TMC.pdf

Winter Vaccinations
Covid-19 Health Behaviours
Hannukah Social Statics - For those who have not seen the new Festivals and Celebrations assets that went up on the 25th Nov - Hannukah runs until Dec 6 so there is still time to use these social media resources.
You can also find a helpful guide to navigating our Campaign Resource Centre (CRC).

Practice Policies


bluefolderThe practice complies with Data Protection and Access to Medical Records legislation. Identifiable information about you will be shared with others in the following circumstances:

  • To provide further medical treatment for you e.g. from district nurses and hospital services.
  • To help you get other services e.g. from the social work department. This requires your consent.
  • When we have a duty to others e.g. in child protection cases Anonymised patient information will also be used at local and national level to help the Health Board and Government plan services e.g. for diabetic care.

If you do not wish anonymous information about you to be used in such a way, please let us know.

Reception and administration staff require access to your medical records in order to do their jobs. These members of staff are bound by the same rules of confidentiality as the medical staff.

Suggestions and Complaints

greentickWe make every effort to give the best service possible to everyone who attends our practice.

However, we are aware that things can go wrong resulting in a patient feeling that they have a genuine cause for concern or complaint. If this is so, we would wish for the matter to be settled as quickly, and as amicably, as possible.

If you have any suggestions as to how we can improve our services, talk to a member of staff or leave a note in the suggestion box in the waiting room.

If you want to make a complaint, you can do so in writing (leaflets at reception) or you can ask to see Chambis Georgiou, Practice Manager

Violence Policy

The practice considers aggressive behaviour to be any personal, abusive and/or aggressive comments, cursing and/or swearing, physical contact and/or aggressive gestures.

The practice will request the removal of any patient from the practice list who is aggressive or abusive towards a doctor, member of staff, other patient, or who damages property.

All instances of actual physical abuse on any doctor or member of staff, by a patient or their relatives will be reported to the police as an assault.

NHS Constitution 

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