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Unacceptable Behaviour

Dealing with Unacceptable Behaviour

We recognise that the vast majority of interactions we have with people are positive and productive for all parties.

We aim to treat everyone in a courteous manner at all times and expect anyone visiting the practice to treat our staff in a similarly respectful way.

However, occassionally the behaviours of individuals we have dealings with make it impossible to continue any constructive engagement. In this small number of cases we have to consider taking steps to protect our staff or to ensure that our ability to work effectively is not undermined and anyone demonstrating unacceptable behaviour may be removed from our Practice list and in extreme cases we may contact the Police

We categorise unacceptable behaviours as -

  • Agressive or abusive behaviour - for example swearing, threats or derogatory remarks
  • Unreasonable demands - where requests place unreasonable conditions on Practice Staff which dilutes our ability to provide a service for others
  • Unreasonable persistence - repeated requests on the same or similar issue which disrupts our ability to fulfill our functions as a general medical practice.

We aim to treat our patients in a courteous manner at all times and expect anyone visiting the practice to treat our staff in a similarly respectful way


The Ramsey Group Practice welcome comments and suggestions, good or bad from their patients. These can be in writing to the Practice Manager or our open door policy means you can call in any time for a chat.


We have noticed a developing trend where a patient will use a Social Media site, such as Facebook, to make a personal attack on a member of the surgery staff or to make false statements about the surgery. It is very difficult for us to reply to these via social media due to confidentiality but we would welcome the opportunity to respond in person if you give us the chance. 


The Ramsey Group Practice will not hesitate to report any inappropriate comments to the social networking site if they include any libellous statements or defamatory comments about the surgery or a member of the surgery staff.

The legal definition of defamation is:

‘ any intentionally false communication, either written or spoken, that harms a person’s reputation; decreases the respect, regard, or confidence in which a person is held; or induces disparaging, hostile or disagreeable opinions or feelings against a person.’

If you have a comment or complaint about the Surgery, please come in and see us and we will do our best to help.

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