Private vaccinations and Travel Clinic


We are now able to offer a range of vaccinations to people who are not eligible under NHS guidelines, including Meningitis B ( from 2 years of age), Chickenpox ( varicella), HPV, Shingles/ Pneumococcal.

The service is provided in our private (MASTA) Travel Clinic which offers comprehensive  travel health consultations , vaccinations (including yellow fever), anti- malarial medication and travel related retail items on a private basis to all members of the public.  We will provide you with up to date advice and immunisation requirements for around the world trips , including those vaccinations which may be free of charge if offered by your GP. Some travel vaccines will require a course so please seek advice early to ensure that we are able to provide you with the best medical protection.  

Please call the Travel Clinic  on

01752 205556.                                                                        

  It is open Monday 14.00-17.30 ( excluding Bank Holidays), Tuesday 9.00-13.00, Wednesday  9.00-13.00 and 14.00-17.30  and Thursday 9.00-13.00 and 14.00-17.30.

There is further information about countries and vaccinations required on the links below

Europe Europe & RussiaNorth America North America
Central America Central Americaindia South America
egypt Carribeanlithuania Africa
bulgaria Middle Eastpoland Central Asia
china East Asiachina Australasia and Pacific


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