
This surgery is a registered CQC Pracitce. (Certificate Number CRT1-542208469)

The practice was inspected by CQC on Monday 14th January 2019 and has been rated as good. 

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Whatever a patient tells a doctor is treated as confidentiality.

Normally a record is kept either in the written notes or on a computer, sometimes both.

The law normally gives you access to this information and we will provide you with help to understand it. It may be necessary to charge for this, but the charges are restricted by law. Photocopies of our records may be provided but we do have to charge for this.

Access to any details of your attendance or treatment is provided to doctors and staff at the surgery, or when seeing other health services on a “need to know” basis.

From time to time other people ask for information about you; we do not provide this information without your written consent, or knowledge. The exception to this is when information is requested for administration of the NHS, or audit and inspection of our work. Those who are given this information work under strict rules of confidentiality and will usually be dismissed, or even prosecuted for disclosure. You may, however, ask our Management Partner to mark your records as 'closed' to such activity.

Sometimes we are required to give information about you by law, or in the interests of others; this includes notification of births, deaths and certain infections, information concerning child protection and records that we are required to produce to the courts; normally we will seek your consent, or at least inform you, in such cases.

please note the practice can not give information to any friends or relatives including appointment details, results etc. If you would like someone to be able to speak to the practice on your behalf please contact us so your records can be updated accordingly.







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