
Manor Park surgery will be welcoming 2 new GPs who will be starting in the next few weeks, Dr Lauren Howell and Dr Yan Raines. 

Practice Patient Information Leaflet

This is an electronic copy of our Practice Patient Information Leaflet that we issue to new patients joining the practice.

Manor Park Medical Centre has two Partners:

Dr Russell Brown MB ChB (1993 Leicester) and Mrs Anita Taylor


The Practice is a ground floor premises and there is parking on site for our patients. We have a level path from the carpark to the front door allowing access to those with mobility requirements.

We have a Facebook Page where up to date information and additional support links are made available: Facebook Link


How to Register

Our practice list is currently open and should you wish to register with the practice it will be necessary for you to fill in a form giving your personal details and the address of your previous GP. You will be registered with a named GP but have the option of choosing to see any doctor on the day, bearing in mind that most of our doctors work part time. Please see our website to download the forms via this website under 'New Patient' tab above, or come into the practice.


The Practice operates a policy of no discrimination regardless of race, gender, social class, age, religion, sexual orientation, appearance, disability or mental condition.  As from 1st April 2006 it will be necessary for the Practice to record the ethnicity of all new patients upon registration.


When you register, you may be offered a New Patient Registrationappointment with the Practice Nurse, which is an informal consultation to gather information regarding your previous medical history, regular medication, to check your blood pressure and urine and to find out how best the Practice can serve your medical needs. This is not compulsory.


Appointments System


All Practices are run with an appointment system and most patients will be offered an appointment within 24 hours and, where possible, with the clinician of their choice. All of our clinicians work part time but every effort will be made to offer the appointment of your choice. Appointments are normally at ten minute intervals and should a patient feel their consultation may take more than ten minutes, this should be mentioned at the time the appointment is booked. If an appointment is not urgent it would be helpful if this could also be mentioned. Should a patient be unable to attend an appointment for any reason, it would be appreciated if the Practice could be notified. This will then allow that appointment to be offered to another patients.

Out of Hours Emergency


If there is an Emergency when the surgery is closed the following procedure should be followed to contact the duty Doctor:

  • Always ring the ordinary surgery number first - (01323 484848) and wait for either the answer phone message or to be put through to the Out of hours answering service.
  • If there is a message recorded on the answer phone PLEASE listen carefully to this message, as it will give you clear and precise instruction of how to contact the Duty doctor.
  • If you feel the matter is imminently life threatening and you can not contact the Doctor then you should ring 999 and call the Ambulance service.
  • If due to a technical fault, power failure or human error and the answer phone message should fail to come on please ring: 111


Integrated Care 24 Ltd


The out of hours Emergency cover is provided by IC24, a GP co-operative, in which a large number of GPs band together to provide an efficient and caring out-of-hours emergency service for their patients and to give others quality off-duty time.

It is therefore requested that in order not to overload IC24, patients seriously consider whether their request for out of hours help is necessary. Most requests are totally reasonable but a small and not insignificant number are questionable. A reasonable approach by patients in this matter would be greatly appreciated.


You are entitled to ask or arrange for a chaperone to be present during intimate examinations. Chaperones are available at the surgery and are  trained to carry out this role. There may be occasions were someone is not available, so if you know you would like a chaperone when you book your appointment, please mention it at the time so we can put this in place when you attend.


Training Practice


Manor Park Medical Centre may become a training Practice  in the future which would involve training a small number of medical students or GPs in training. If there is a student being trained on the day of your appointment and the GP would like them to attend, your permission will be sought when you arrive and you will be given the opportunity to agree or decline the students attendance in your appointment. Declining the trainees attendance in your appointment will not in any way affect the care you receive on the day and is perfectly acceptable.


Repeat Prescriptions


Requests for repeat prescriptions should be made in writing before 11am in the morning. If you have a regular repeat prescription you will receive a computer printout each time you collect your prescription, which lists all your medication. It is then only necessary to tick the items you require and hand it into the surgery or pharmacy. We operate a facility whereby prescriptions are sent electronically to the local pharmacy of your choice from where you may collect the items 24 hours later.


Requests for prescriptions will usually be actioned within 72 hours of receipt.


You are also able to request repeat medication via our website: Please speak to my reception team to get registered for this convenient service.


Please understand that the doctor may occasionally feel it is necessary to see a patient before issuing further prescriptions. Patients on repeat prescriptions should expect to attend the Practice once a year for medication review and will also be called in for any blood tests or blood pressure monitoring which may be necessary. This is in line with the NHS GMS contract.


New patients seeing the Doctor for the first time are requested to bring a copy of their repeat medications to the  consultation and to inform the doctor of any over the counter medication they may be taking.  This helps to save any confusion when discussing medication and deciding future management.

Friends and Family Feedback platform and NHS Choices


NHS Choices is a website that allows people access to medical information in their area and also enables patients to feedback on the care they have received. Please feel free to access our surgery on this site and leave your feedback accordingly.  Should you have any cause to express some dissatisfaction, please feel comfortable with approaching the Practice Manager, Anita Taylor, who will take your issues and will address them with you.


Friends and Family is also a feedback platform that is available in the practice and on our website, please feel free to comment on any area of your care here at Manor Park Surgery.

We will also send you a text occasionally requesting feedback on your visit with us where applicable.


Practice Staff


Practice Manager

Mrs Anita Taylor is responsible for the day to day administration and the smooth running of the Practice. Please feel free to forward any comments or suggestions which might help us to improve our service to you.


Practice Nurses and Health Care Assistants


Our Nurses run general clinics each day for dressings, blood tests, blood pressure readings and minor injuries as well as health reviews in areas such as asthma, smoking cessation, diabetes, sexual health screening and other chronic disease management.


Please treat all our staff with courtesy, no verbal or physical abuse will be tolerated by the surgery.


Patient Participation Group


We have a patient led focus group that keeps in touch with us to offer suggestions and support throughout the year, if you would be interested in joining this relaxed, informal group, please contact Anita Taylor on 01323 484848


The Partners have a team of clerical staff who share the administration, typing, telephone duties and computer data  entry.

When telephoning for medical attention the receptionist may ask for a few details. They have been trained to make these enquiries so that we can help you in the most appropriate way and any information given is treated in the strictest confidence.


Non N.H.S. Work


The Practice offers a wide range of Non-N.H.S. services, which will usually attract a fee. This information is available and please ask at reception if you would like a copy.


Please note that the doctors do not sign passport applications.

NHS Direct

This service has now been replaced by the non-emergency telephone number 111. In an emergency please continue to use 999.


Additional Local Services:

District Nurses


They can be contacted directly on 01323 446986.


District Midwives

They can be contacted on: 01323 446985


Health Visitors

Can be contacted on:  01323 446983


Local Walk In Treatment Centre


Eastbourne District General Hospital Tel: 0300 131 4500

Kings Drive, Eastbourne

East Sussex, BN21 2UD Social Services

Tel: 0345 6080191


Emergency Dentist


Tel: 0300 1000899      8:30am—5:00pm




Eastbourne District General Hospital

Tel: 01323 417400


Pharmacy’s in Polegate


Procter Health Care Pharmacy

69 High Street

Tel: 01323 482141


Kamsons Pharmacy

43 High Street

Tel: 01323 482474

Influenza Vaccines


We hold an annual Fluvaccination programme. We usually administer the vaccines from October.  All patients over 65 and those under 65 who fall into the recognised at riskgroups will automatically be invited to attend the Flu clinic.


Travel Immunisations


Patients requesting travel immunisations are requested to complete our Travel Immunisation Form prior to making their appointment (This is available on our website under Clinics and Services). This is then processed by one of the Practice Nurses and the most appropriate immunisation programme for their destination is identified. Only NHS travel vaccinations are offered.

The forms are available in person from our receptionists or via our website: Please allow sufficient time for your immunisations before you are due to travel, at least 6 weeks. Please contact the surgery for any advice.


Test Results


Patients are encouraged to contact the Practice for results of any tests they may have had.  All calls requesting this information must be made after 11.00am


Hospital Transport for Out-Patients Appointments


This can be arranged by calling: 0300 123 9841. There is a strict criteria that will be explained to you at the time of the booking.


Family Planning


All Doctors are registered to provide family planning advice and can provide the Contraceptive Pill or Injection as well as the Morning-After Pill’. When phoning for the Morning-After Pillplease make the reception staff aware of this and every effort will be made to accommodate you as soon as possible.

Your local pharmacy is also able to issue the morning after pill without seeing a GP first.

Health Checks


All patients over the age of 45 to 75 are encouraged to attend the surgery for a Health Care Check which is a general health review with a HCA.




All information concerning you and your health record is completely confidential. No information will be given out without your permission, except to other health professionals concerned with your treatment. Everyone working at the surgery has a legal duty to keep information about you confidential.


Antisocial Behavior


The Practice operatesZero tolerance policy to aggressive, abusive  or inappropriate  behavior.  This includes any personal, abusive and aggressive gestures. Any incident of verbal abuse, whether in person or over the phone, is reported immediately to the Practice Manager and Doctor  on  duty. Each  incident is discussed and action will be taken. This may result in the patient being removed from the practice list.

Patients Rights and Responsibilities


The Freedom of Information Act which was passed in November 2000, gives patients the right of access to all types of recorded information held by the ICB. In January 2005 patients were given full access rights. This means that much more information will be routinely and freely available. All requests for information must be made in writing to the Practice Manager.  If you require any information please ask to read a copy of our Freedom of  Information policy.

The Practice is entitled to charge a fee for information from health records and, upon receipt of a written request for information, this fee will be calculated.  When a request is made, the Practice will have an extended period of up to 3 months in which to comply with the request.

The Caldicott Report requires the Practice to tell you how the information you give us may be used. The main reasons are:

  • Giving you health care and treatment.
  • Looking after the health of the general public.
  • Managing and planning the NHS.
  • Helping staff to review the care they provide to make sure it is of the highest standard.
  • Training and educating staff.
  • Research.


Access to medical records online


Medical records now are available to view online, if you would like to have this facility, please speak to one of the reception team who will get you registered.


Suggestions and Complaints


We are always pleased to receive suggestions from patients as to how we can improve the services we offer. Should a patient find it necessary to make a complaint please contact the Practice Manager either in person or in writing who will then make every effort to resolve the problem to the mutual satisfaction of the patient and the Practice.

    Practice has a Complaints Procedure which may be found on the front reception desk.

Personal Health Information

There are a wide range of Personal Health leaflets readily available in the waiting room.


NHS England (nationally) or NHS Sussex (locally)


The Practice has a contract with the NHS England who are responsible for the commissioning of Primary Care Services. If you require further information on Primary Medical Services in the area please contact them:


Tel: 0300 311 22 33. Email:


Post: NHS England, PO Box 16738, Redditch, B97 9PT


Or Contact

NHS Sussex (ICB)

Post: Wicker House, High Street, Worthing BN11 1DJ

Tel: 0800 433 4545



Should you require further information or clarification of the contents of this leaflet please feel free to telephone or visit the surgery and ask for the Practice Manager: Anita Taylor

Summary Care Records


The NHS in England has introduced the Summary Care Record, an electronic health record that can be accessed when you need urgent treatment from somebody other than your own GP.

Summary Care Records contain key information about the medicines you are taking, allergies you suffer from and any bad reactions to medicines you have had in the past. You will be able to add other information too if you and your GP agree that it is a good idea to do so.

If you have an accident or fall ill, the people caring for you in places like accident and emergency depart- ments and GP out of hours services will be better equipped to treat you if they have this information. Your Summary Care Record will be available to authorised healthcare staff whenever and wherever you need treatment in England, and they will ask your permission before they look at it. You need to make a decision


Your GP practice is supporting Summary Care Records and as a patient you have a choice:


Yes, I would like a Summary Care Record.

If you want a record you do not need to do anything further, one will be created for you when you register with your GP practice. If you opted out of having a record in the past but have now changed your mind, speak to your GP practice and they can create one for you.


No, I do not want a Summary Care Record.

If you do not want a record, you need to fill in the Summary Care Record opt out form and hand it in to your GP practice. You should do this even if you have already completed a form at your previous practice. Opt out forms are available from your GP practice or you can print one from the website below.

You are free to change your decision at any time by informing your GP practice.

Children under 16 will automatically have a Summary Care Record created for them unless their parent or guardian chooses to opt them out. If you are the parent or guardian of a child under 16 and feel that they are old enough to understand, please tell them about Summary Care Records and explain the options available

to them.


For more information talk to your GP practice, or call the Health and Social Care Information Centre on 0300 303 5678.

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