
Safe-Surgeries-New-Patient-Registration-Policy TMC.pdf

Winter Vaccinations
Covid-19 Health Behaviours
Hannukah Social Statics - For those who have not seen the new Festivals and Celebrations assets that went up on the 25th Nov - Hannukah runs until Dec 6 so there is still time to use these social media resources.
You can also find a helpful guide to navigating our Campaign Resource Centre (CRC).

Young people


Brandon Centre
Free confidential advice for young people

The Brandon Centre offers Sexual Health and Psychotherapy Services for young people aged 12 to 24 years

The Brandon Centre
26 Prince of Wales Road
London NW5 3LG
Tel. 020 7267 4792


Lift Youth Hub

Lift Youth Hub offers activities for young people aged 13-19 (or up to 25 with a disability).

The address is:
45 White Lion Street
London  N1 9PW
(5 minutes walk from Angel Tube)

Here you'll find a 30 station gym equipped with the latest specialist kit, a big dance studio, professional kitchen, computer rooms and a roof-top terrace.

You can take part in healthy activities, but you can also get advice for job applications, apprenticeships, CVs.

Lift also runs the following clinics:

Pulse for 13-19 yr olds
- to discuss your questions about sex and relationships
- pregnancy testing
- emergency contraception
- STI check-us and treatment
- contraception and condoms

Mind Connect Counselling for 13-25 yr olds
- if you're feeling low, stressed, anxious, frustrated or out of control
- to help with bereavement, relationship or loss of any kind

Victim Support for 13-25 yr olds
for those who have been a victim of crime (whether the crime has been reported or not, and regardless of when it happened)

Check the website for more information.

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