
Coronavirus Vaccination Information;


The NHS in Ashford and Public Health England (PHE) are extremely well prepared for outbreaks of new infectious diseases. The NHS has put in place measures to ensure the safety of all patients and NHS staff while also ensuring services are available to the public as normal.

The risk to the general public is high. If you have a temperature and/or a new dry cough and/or have been in direct contact with a confirmed case of coronavirus:


Only call 111 if you cannot manage your symptoms at home

Click the below link for the most up to date isolation rules

Young People

We welcome all young people to our surgery and we will respect your privacy, dignity and religious or cultural beliefs.

Our mission is to help you stay physically and  emotionally healthy!

Our doctors and nurses can give you help and advice about any worries you have about your health including, sexual health and contraception (more about that later), weight issues, skin problems, stress, alcohol, drugs smoking and lots more. 

We know it can be a bit scary talking to a doctor or nurse about your worries so here are some top tips to help you.

If you feel nervous bring a trusted friend or relative with you.

If you are worried you will forget to mention something write a list and bring it with you.

Don’t be afraid to ask the doctor/Nurse to explain things if you don't understand.


How to make an appointment:

Please ring 01233 610140

If you need to be seen that day for emergency contraception (morning after pill) please let the receptionist know and she will book you in.  There is a young persons' clinic drop in clinic every week day between 4.00 pm and 5.00 pm,

Sexual Health

We provide the following sexual health services.


Testing for Chlamydia 

Contraception including pills injection and implants

Emergency contraception ("morning after pill")

Referral for pregnancy termination

Pregnancy testing


For more information on local health services for young people please visit:

You can request if you want to see a female or male member of staff and the receptionist will do their best to help you. Don’t forget you can come with a friend.

Emotional health

We realise that being a Young person brings its own particular stresses and worries so ask for help when you need it, don't struggle on your own. Come and see a Dr or nurse and they will listen and support you.

Stopping smoking

If you want help to give up smoking please make an appointment to see our practice nurse. She can help you by offering help, support and nicotine replacement therapy.



You have a right to confidentiality (privacy), even if you're under 16. Your doctor or nurse can't share information about your health without your permission. They will encourage you to talk to your parents or carers but they should not tell your parents or carers anything without your agreement. You have a right to privacy whatever you ask about. This could include sexual health, pregnancy, drugs, alcohol, eating disorders, depression or any other health problem you're worried about.

BUT if we have serious concerns about your safety we would have to talk to another adult but we would try and let you know first.


If you give your consent to something, it means you give your permission, you agree. If you are 16 years or over, you have the right to make your own decisions about your health. If you're under 16, you can give your own consent for medical treatment (e.g. contraception like the pill) if the doctor or nurse thinks you are ready to make your own decisions about your health. They will chat to you about how you're feeling and what you want. If they don't think you're quite ready to make decisions about your health, they will ask you to bring a parent or carer to your next appointment.


How was your visit?

We'd really like to know what you think about our surgery - What is good? What could we do better? You have the right to give feedback (good or bad!) about any health services that you have received. We will take it seriously. The information you share with us is confidential and will not affect your care. 

We would encourage you to complete the attached questionnaire and hand it in at Reception.


Alternatively you can contact PAL (Patient Advice and Liaison Service) on 0300 123 1807

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