Useful Telephone Numbers

Useful Telephone Numbers

Below is a list of telephone numbers you may find useful including all hospitals and treatment centres in the area. (area code 0131)


Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh    -    242 1000

Western General Hospital    -    537 1000

Royal Hospital for Sick Children    -    536 1000

St John's Hospital    -    01506 523 000

Astley Ainslie Hospital    -    537 9000

Royal Victoria Hospital    -    537 5000

Princess Alexandra Eye Pavillion    -    536 3753

Mental Health

Royal Edinburgh Hospital    -    537 6000

Inchkeith House    -    537 4530

Lauriston Building    -    536 1000

Sexual Health

Chalmers Sexual Health Centre    -    536 1070

Treatment Centres

Leith Community Treatment Centre    -    536 6225

North East Recovery Hub    -    554 7516

Funeral Directors

Barclays Funeral Directors    -    553 6818

MacKenzie & Miller Funeral Directors    -    554 6174



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