Clinics & Services

In addition to general medical consultations we are pleased to be able to provide specialist clinics and services covering the following areas:asthma_inhaler4

Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm - Men over 65 can self refer into the clinic by ringing 01784 884859.

Antenatal/Postnatal - Our GPs run antenatal clinics in conjunction with the community midwife to ensure the best possible outcome for mother and baby. Our midwife and health visitors hold parent-craft classes at the health centre.

Anticoagulation - ongoing surveillance of Warfarin therapy after initial stabilisation by the hospital.

Asthma / COPD -  run by the practice nurse and doctor with a special interest in respiratory disease. Your doctor or nurse will advise which patients should attend.

Audiology Clinic - provided by the Royal Surrey County Hospital here at the health centre five days a week. The clinic sees patients for hearing assessments, hearing aid fittings (not batteries), tinnitus and balance problems.

Blood Pressure - 24 hour monitoring.

Blood Tests - In addition to the blood test service provided in our treatment room we provide specialist blood tests for certain conditions.

Breast Clinic - provided by Professor Layer, consultant breast surgeon, one afternoon a week on every 3rd week. The clinic sees follow-up patients with breast disease, breast cancer, melanoma, sarcoma and general surgery.

Cervical Smears - Tests are carried out by appointment by the practice nurse. Chlamydia screening is available for 18-25 year old males and females.

Child Health - run by the health visitors with 6 week postnatal checks carried out by GPs. You may attend any time the clinic is open. A health visitor is available to weigh your baby and discuss baby's progress and any problems you may have. girl_with_open_mouth

Clinics are held at the Health Centre on the 1st, 3rd and 5th Thursdays from 9.30am to 11.30am.

Immunisations - please ask your health visitor for details or speak to a practice nurse.

Contraceptive Services - including Mirena and copper coils, Implanon and contraceptive caps during normal surgery appointments. Emergency contraception is available after discussion with a GP or nurse or through the local walk-in centres.

Counselling - via a doctors referral.glucometer1

Cryotherapy - treatment for superficial skin lesions including benign skin lesions.

Diabetes - we work closely with the specialist diabetic clinic at St Peter's Hospital. All patients with diabetes on our register are invited for annual checks.

Echo (Heart) - provided by Dr J De Verteuil every week.

Gynaecology Clinic - a team comprising GPs, nursing staff, sonographer and physiotherapist specialise in female health disorders including menstrual/PMT problems, menopause/HRT, polycystic ovaries, prolapse/bladder problems, fertility, uro-gynae continence.

Minor Surgery - for non-cosmetic skin lesions that require removal under local anaesthetic.

Orthopaedic - Ashford and St Peters Hospital provide a clinic at the Health Centre every 2 weeks.

Podiatry - this service is via self referral (telephone 01932 570607). Appointments are sent directly to the patient by the Podiatry Service at Chertsey Health Centre. Clinics are held at West Byfleet Health Centre.

Private Clinics - Physiotherapy, Osteopathy, Pyschotherapy, Skin and Hearing.

Sexual Health - If you are concerned about sexually transmitted infections you may wish to contact the Genito-Urinary Clinic at the Blanche Heriot Unit on 01932 722669 (Office), or 01932 722390 (Advice).

Smoking Cessation - by appointment with a practice nurse or enquire at reception, where information about support groups is available.

Travel Health - The practice nurses provide full and comprehensive travel advice and vaccination service.

Ultrasound Scan - every week.

Vascular - Ashford and St Peters Hospital provide a clinic at the Health Centre once a month.



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